We hold meetings once a month at the Code Node in London, UK (thanks to the kind people at Skills Matter).

Notes from meetings can be found at the links below.

  • Building a web app from scratch with Python and JavaScript.

    September & October 2016

    Robert Hardy demonstrates how to build a simple, interactive web page with Python and JavaScript.
    Notes here.

  • Introduction to QuantLib

    November 2016

    QuantLib is a substantial C++ library for pricing financial derivatives.

    Robert Hardy and Bojan Nikolic show how to use QuantLib in Excel and via scripting.
    Notes here.

  • Data science with R and Python

    December 2016

    Kirill Egorov takes us through a data science session for clustering analysis on stock data from Quandl, followed by some pointers from Robert Hardy on data cleaning in Python with Pandas.
    Notes here.

  • What I talk about when I talk about coding

    January 2017

    In this session Robert Hardy talks about some of the factors that lead to his interest in crafting software and gives some thoughts on the way he manages the processes involved in writing computer programs.
    Notes here

  • Keeping your services up

    February 2017

    Robert Hardy shows how to use Monit to keep a web application running (and bring it back up if it falls down). With two instances of the app managed by Monit we then add an Nginx load balancer into the mix and show how we have built a responsive user experience that handles a crash at the back end.
    Notes here

  • Front-ending with Elm

    March 2017

    Elm is a brilliant alternative to JavaScript (it compiles to JavaScript) for building interactive web pages. Robert Hardy demonstrates how Elm naturally brings about good decoupling amongst your page’s widgets, with a simple example of adding a second component to a page that interacts with a JSON API set up in Python.
    Notes here

  • Data science meets Poker

    Robert Hardy demonstrates some Pandas manipulations in the context of the deuces Python package for generating and evaluating poker hands.
    Notes here

  • Using C/C++ code in Python

    Jack Grahl gives some insight into how to call C/C++ code from Python.
    Notes here

  • Setting up a Spark cluster on AWS spot requests

    Robert Hardy shows all the necessary to getting Spark to work on a cluster of instances on AWS. Notes here